Used Cars Under $6,000


Showing 6 of 6 results

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Kilometers: 178,940
Body Type: SUV / Crossover
Transmission: Automatic
Dealer Price

$2,000 + Tax

Est. Finance Payment

-- /bw Click to open payment calculator

9.99% for 48 months

Rate may vary

Est. Lease Payment

-- Bi-weekly

0.00% for months

Rate may vary

View Compared
Kilometers: 116,452
Body Type: Pickup Truck
Transmission: Automatic
Dealer Price

$5,500 + Tax

Est. Finance Payment

-- /bw Click to open payment calculator

9.99% for 48 months

Rate may vary

Est. Lease Payment

-- Bi-weekly

0.00% for months

Rate may vary

View Compared
Kilometers: 200,500
Body Type: SUV / Crossover
Transmission: Automatic
Dealer Price

$4,000 + Tax

Est. Finance Payment

-- /bw Click to open payment calculator

9.99% for 48 months

Rate may vary

Est. Lease Payment

-- Bi-weekly

0.00% for months

Rate may vary

View Compared
Kilometers: 211,460
Body Type: SUV / Crossover
Transmission: Automatic
Dealer Price

$2,800 + Tax

Est. Finance Payment

-- /bw Click to open payment calculator

9.99% for 48 months

Rate may vary

Est. Lease Payment

-- Bi-weekly

0.00% for months

Rate may vary

View Compared
Kilometers: 245,408
Body Type: SUV / Crossover
Transmission: Variable / CVT
Dealer Price

$3,700 + Tax

Est. Finance Payment

-- /bw Click to open payment calculator

9.99% for 48 months

Rate may vary

Est. Lease Payment

-- Bi-weekly

0.00% for months

Rate may vary

View Compared
Kilometers: 259,198
Body Type: SUV / Crossover
Transmission: Automatic
Dealer Price

$5,700 + Tax

Est. Finance Payment

-- /bw Click to open payment calculator

9.99% for 48 months

Rate may vary

Est. Lease Payment

-- Bi-weekly

0.00% for months

Rate may vary

View Compared